GS112 Chemistry & Cell Biology

(4.00 Lecture, 3.00 Lab Hrs./Wk.) 5 Credits

Students learn basic concepts of matter, atoms and radioactivity, compounds, organic compounds, intermolecular forces, solutions, acids and bases, enzymes, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, cell chemistry, cell anatomy and physiology, and cell reproduction. Students apply science processes to health-related problems. Although this course emphasizes allied health applications, it transfers as a general education (AAOT) lab science. GS 112 serves as a prerequisite to BI 231 (Anatomy and Physiology) and BI 234 (Microbiology). Dental Hygiene and Dental Assistant students should take the CH 104-106 series. Prerequisite: MTH 70 or higher with a grade of "C", "P" or better. Co-requisite: GS 112 with GS 112L.




MTH070 And WR121 Or WR121Z


Summer, Winter, Spring