College Policies and Notices

Campus Safety Report: The Campus Safety Report complies with the requirements of the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act). It explains how the College reports and handles crime and emergency situations on or near College property and provides statistics on reportable offenses. The full report is available at We will provide a paper copy of the Campus Safety Report upon request.

This disclosure provides statistics on campus safety and crime for the three most recent calendar years, policies and procedures for reporting crimes, information regarding campus security provisions, and crime prevention programs on campus. Printed copies of the report are available at the Lexington campus Welcome Center, and reception areas at MERTS, IMTC, and South County Center, or can be mailed to you by contacting Evon Jacobsen at (503)338-2422;; or 1651 Lexington Ave., Library Rm 108D, Astoria, OR 97103.

Title IX Policy: In compliance with applicable laws and regulations (e.g., Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Title I, Title VI, Title VII, Title IX of the Civil Rights Act or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act), Clatsop Community College is an equal opportunity institution providing education and employment opportunities without regard to race, color, national or ethnic origin, ancestry, age, religion or religious creed, disability or handicap, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, marital status, military or veteran status, or any other characteristic protected under applicable federal, state or local law. In keeping with requirements of federal and state law, the College attempts to remove any vestige of discrimination in employment, assignment and promotion of personnel, in educational opportunities and services offered students, in courses and programs, in student discipline, in location and use of facilities, in educational offerings and material, and in accommodating the public at public meetings.

In addition, Title IX of the Education Amendments specifically prohibits sex discrimination in federally supported programs. In order to comply with Title IX, this policy prohibits any form of sexual misconduct including dating violence; domestic violence; stalking; sexual harassment, which is unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature, including unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, nonverbal, or physical conduct of a sexual nature; and sexual violence; which is physical sexual acts perpetrated against a person’s will or where a person is incapable of giving consent (e.g., due to the student’s age or use of drugs or alcohol or an intellectual or other disability that prevents the student from having the capacity to give consent). Sexual violence includes rape, sexual assault, sexual battery, sexual abuse, and sexual coercion.

The Title IX Coordinator is responsible for defining the above terms, and implementing training, reporting procedures, and investigation procedures in accordance with current law. Local, state, and federal laws will be enforced on all campuses.

The aforementioned Federal laws prohibit covered entities from retaliating against a person who files a charge of discrimination, participates in a discrimination proceeding, or otherwise opposes an unlawful employment practice.

The College will establish a procedure for filing complaints of discrimination and for resolving such complaints in a timely manner. Such complaints will be filed with the Affirmative Action Officer/Title IX Coordinator

Report Violations to:

Desiree Noah, Title IX Coordinator

Lower Library, Suite 102 – Lexington Campus

(503) 338-2450

Disclosure Statement

OAR 581-41-460 authorizes Community College to ask you to provide your social security number. The number will be used by the college for reporting, research, and record keeping. Your number will also be provided by the college to the State Department of Community Colleges. The state or the college may provide information about students and programs to meet state and federal reporting requirements. It also helps colleges plan, research, and develop programs. This information helps the colleges to support the progress of students and their success in the workplace and other education programs.

OCCURS or the college may provide your social security number to the following agencies or match it with records from the following systems: State and private universities, colleges, and vocational schools, to find out how many community college students go on with their education and to find out whether community college courses are a good basis for further education; The Oregon Employment Department, which gathers information, including employment and earnings, to help state and local agencies plan education and training services to help Oregon citizens get the best jobs available; The Oregon Department of Education, to provide reports to local, state and federal governments. The information is used to learn about education, training, and job market trends for planning, research, and program improvement; The Oregon Department of Revenue and collection agencies only for purposes of processing debts and only if credit is extended to you by the college; The American College Testing Service, if you take the Next Gen ACCUPLACER Placement test, for educational research purposes; and area secondary schools for assessment of outcomes for high school graduates.

State and federal law protects the privacy of your records. Your number will be used only for the purposes listed above.

College Policy on Drug & Alcohol Use

The Student Code of Conduct for Clatsop Community College prohibits the use, possession, or distribution of alcoholic beverages on College property, except as expressly permitted by the law and college regulations. It is a violation of the Code of Conduct to be under the influence of alcoholic beverages while on College property. The College also prohibits the possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages by minors at any College or College affiliated functions and the serving of alcoholic beverages at College and College affiliated functions where a significant number of those in attendance are minors.

In addition, the Student Code of Conduct prohibits the use, possession, or distribution of any controlled substances, as defined by ORS475 [as now law or hereinafter amended] except when use or possession is lawfully prescribed. It is also a violation of the Code of Conduct to be under the influence of controlled substances while on College property.

Sanctions which may be imposed for violations of College policy include: Expulsion (removal of privilege to attend CCC); suspension for a definite period of time; disciplinary probation with specific terms for continued enrollment; and suspension or expulsion for violation of those terms; or a written reprimand. Parents of students under age 18 will be notified of any violations of the College’s alcohol or drug policy. As prohibited by Federal law, marijuana use or possession on campus is prohibited on all college campuses.

Assistance with Substance Abuse

For substance abuse problems or addiction, a professional counselor in Student Services can advise you about actions to take for support and further help from community self-help groups, treatment programs and private counselors. This service is provided to students free of charge. You may contact the Student Services Welcome Center or call Counseling Services at (503) 338-2409 for an appointment.