CH221 General Chemistry I

(4.00 Lecture, 3.00 Lab Hrs./Wk.) 5 Credits

Students understand and apply the principles that govern the behavior of matter as a foundation for further college study in the sciences and engineering. Students will learn and demonstrate both qualitative and quantitative understanding of stoichiometry, periodicity, atomic and molecular structure, formulas and equations, chemical bonding, thermodynamics, and chemical reactions. Data acquisition and handling by computers is stressed. Service course covering the principles of chemistry for the student who already has a good knowledge of high school chemistry. Must be taken in sequence. Prerequisite: Two years high school algebra or equivalent (MTH 95 or higher) and mastery of the principles of high school chemistry or completion of CH 105 and 105L, and instructor approval. Co-requisite: CH 221 with CH 221L. .





